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Finding Full Text from the ERIC Database: Instructions for Azusa Campus Students

How to find full text when ERIC only has an abstract. Note: This LibGuide was originally created by Kimberley Stephenson.

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First Step: Find the ERIC Number

Items in the ERIC database may be either journal articles or ERIC “documents.” The item type determines the steps you should take to locate the full text. To begin, locate the item’s ERIC number.

An ERIC number beginning with “EJ” indicates that the item was originally published in some kind of periodical (journal, magazine, or newspaper).

An ERIC number beginning with “ED” indicates that the item was originally published as a book, a government report, a dissertation, a lesson plan, a conference paper, etc. Click the title of the item, then look for the “Publication Type” to determine the format:

ERIC publication type

Finding Full Text--ERIC Documents

  1. If the item is a book, try searching the APU Library Catalog for the title. If APU owns the book, you can click the "Request" link next to the item you want and select a pickup location. We'll email you when your items are ready to pick up, which will usually be the next business day.
  2. If APU doesn't own the book (or if APU’s copy is checked out), search LINK+. If you find the book in LINK+, click "Request this Item," and fill out the form. We will get the book through the LINK+ system and email you when it is available for pickup. LINK+ items may be picked up in either Marshburn or Darling Library.
  3. We should have all non-book ERIC documents on microfiche. If you need a copy of one of these, write down the ERIC number and contact an APU librarian for help obtaining a copy of the document.

Your Librarian

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Evelyn Shimazu Yee
Azusa Pacific University
Marshburn Memorial Library |
901 E. Alosta Ave., Azusa, CA. 91702 | (626) 815-6002 (direct) ext. 6002 (internal)
(626) 815-6002 (direct) Ext. 6002 (internal)