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How to Cite Resources in APA 7- Adapted for Biblical Studies/Church History: Books

by Sharon Ralston


APA 10.2 intro, 10.2.21, APA 10.2, APA Style:

Style notes: 1. Be sure to adjust the indentation of runover lines in these examples that cannot be adjusted in this software. 2. Page number or other such location information in the in-text citation is not needed when paraphrasing, although it can be included when useful to the reader, such as when citing from a longer work (APA Manual 8.13).

Single Author

1. Citing from an authored book, print version (10.2.21):   

    a. A basic template:

   P: (Author, year, p. #)

   R: Author, A. A. (year). Title of book. Publisher Name.

    b. An example:

   P: (Kertes Weaver, 2013, p. 66)

  R: Kertes Weaver, N. (2013). The theology of suffering and death: an introduction for caregivers. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

2.  The same example can be used for an ebook without a DOI, such as those in catalog from EBSCO and ProQuest.

[additional examples to come -- see standard APA 7 libguide for basics]