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Master of Arts in English: Bible and Doctrine Resources

A guide to support the MA in English as they prepare to investigate the aesthetic, cultural, historical, and philosophical intersections between literature and Christianity

Eastern Orthodoxy

Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity

Eastern Christianity

Eastern Orthodox theology:  a contemporary reader

The Christian Tradition:  A History of the Development of Doctrine, 5 volumes, (1973 - 1990), Jaroslav Pelikan, Chicago, University of Chicago Press:  Vol 2, The Spirit of Eastern Christendom

Eastern Christianity:  A Bibliography Selected from the ATLA Religion Database, Paul D. Petersen, Ruth F. Frazer, 1984 (request through ILL)

Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology, Stamps Library

The Spirit of Eastern Orthodoxy: translated from the French by Donald Attwater, Hawthorn Books, 1962, Stamps Library


Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies, Susan Ashbrook Harvey and David G. Hunter, Theology Reference (Stamps Library) BR121.3 .099 2008