eBook Title | eISBN |
A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide 2012 | 9780313386794 |
Encyclopedia of India 2006 | 9780684315126 |
Encyclopedia of the American Revolution: Library of Military History 2006 | 9780684315454 |
Encyclopedia of the New American Nation 2006 | 9780684314693 |
History of World Trade Since 1450 2006 | 9780028660707 |
Landmarks of the American Revolution: Library of Military History e2 2006 | 9780684315461 |
New Dictionary of the History of Ideas 2005 | 9780684314525 |
Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students 2004 | 9780684314242 |
The People's Chronology e3 2005 | 978141440140 |
If you do not get good search results when searching by title, try to search by ISBN. If you have any questions please contact Sandy Chen at wchen@apu.edu