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BSOL 410 Principles of Management and Supervision, Los Angeles Pacific University: Where Do I Start?

This subject guide is a complement to the content found in BSOL 410, Principles of Management and Supervision course, conducted by Los Angeles Pacific University, and will provide various tools and resources to help students in their studies.

Where Do I Start?

One of the best ways to begin researching a particular topic is to find an introductory resource that will give you a good overview of that subject. This section will help you find online reference materials and other resources to get you started in your research.

Reference Resources - eBooks

The following resources can be accessed online - just click the title link, and, if requested, go through the authorization process: enter your LAPU Username (ex: jsmith17) and Password (your LAPU ID #).

How Los Angeles Pacific University Students Get Connected to Library Resources

As a Los Angeles Pacific University student, faculty and staff, you get connected to APU's online library resources by clicking on the following link:

This takes you to LAPU's "Library Login" page (the first image below). Next you type in your LAPU Username and Password (your LAPU ID #) which are the same credentials used to access your coursework. If you are already authenticated, you will not see LAPU's "Library Login" page but be taken directly to APU's University Libraries' main page (the second image below).

If you have any problems accessing the library online resources this way, please contact APU's Library Systems Analyst, Frank Dubisz at 626-815-6000, ext. 3132 or  


After clicking the above link you should see the following page. If you are already authenticated then you will see APU's University Libraries' main page.  


LAPU Library Login




After logging in you will see APU's University Libraries' main page.




Reference Resources - About

Reference books and eBooks can be useful for a couple of reasons including:

  • They can give you brief overviews of a particular topic.
  • They can be used to find a topic to write about if you don't have a topic in mind.
  • Most articles in handbooks and encyclopedias have bibliographies at the end that will contain more resources for further research. 

Reference Resources - Alternatives

The following introductory reference resources are provided for your convenience.

Adult Development - Wikipedia As you may know, it is possible that some information found in Wikipedia entries will be inaccurate because anyone can make changes. However, many students find Wikipedia useful as a introduction to a topic, especially as found in the first few paragraphs where concepts are defined and key important individuals are described. This particular entry for Adult Development also includes five models (or theories) of Adult Development.

Positive Adult Development - Wikipedia One of four major forms of adult developmental study.

Association for Adult Development and Aging Was founded in 1986 to serve as a focal point within the American Counseling Association (ACA) for information sharing, distribution, service, professional development, and advocacy issues related to counseling adults across the lifespan in a multicultural society.