Use the following links to navigate to the various sections of this page:
The MATUL program includes a variety of disciplines. The database list below is not exhaustive - these are just to get you started. For more databases, go to the All Databases page in the APU Libraries website and use the Choose Databases by Subject or Major drop-down menu to find databases by topic.
The following databases contain content that spans multiple disciplines and subject areas.
Most of the instructions you will need can be found in the Finding Full Text Articles Online box on this page. However, at the time this guide was created, some of the tools used for finding and requesting articles were being upgraded (and not working terribly well).
The Full Text Finder button that you see in database results lists is supposed to let you know if the article exists in a different database or in the APU print journal collection. If this isn't working for you, you can request the article by using the ArticleReach form.
If you have an article citation and want to know if APU can provide the article online or via the print collection, you can look up the journal title in Periodical Finder. While this is normally supposed to have one listing per journal title, you may see several listings - be sure to click on all of them with the same ISSN number. If the journal is available online, you will see a list of one or more databases that contain your particular journal - click on the database link to access the database.
The Bottom Line: Use the ArticleReach form to request copies of articles that you can't find in full text in our databases.
NOTE: If you are outside of the United States, you may use the ArticleReach form to request articles electronically. Print copies of articles will not be sent.
APU has close to 100 databases to assist you in your research. Most of these databases will help you find journal articles. However, there are many more types of content that you will discover in these databases, such as streaming music (Classical Music Library), electronic books (Ebrary and EBSCO Ebook Collection), art images (ARTstor), just to name a few.
To access the databases...
As with finding news articles (see 'Finding News Articles' box on this page), in most databases you can limit your search to scholarly articles at the beginning of your search, or when you already have a results list.
Before you enter your search terms, look for a way to limit your search to only scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, as you see in the example below.
You might also be able to narrow your results list to only scholarly/peer-reviewed articles if you didn't do it at the beginning of your search (see example).
There are usually a couple of scenarios in which you find yourself needing to know if APU Libraries can provide you with a particular journal article: 1) you found a journal article listed in a bibliography, or a syllabus, or elsewhere, and you'd really like to get it, or 2) you're searching in one of the many journal article databases, and you find an article in the results list that you want, but you don't see a full-text link. In the first case, a tool called 'Article Finder' will be helpful, and in the second case, the 'Full Text Finder' links will assist you.
Have a Particular Article You Want to Find? Use Article Finder!
When you want to know if APU Libraries can provide you with a particular journal article you have citation information for, Article Finder is the tool for you. Follow these steps:
Found a Great Article in a Database but No Full Text? Use Full Text Finder!
Before following the instructions below, note that not all of our databases will have Full Text Finder links (but most will).