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Research Methods for Social Work: Find Journal Articles

This guide contains resources to help social work students with research methods. This guide was originally created by Michelle Spomer.

Social Work Databases

The following databases will provide you with journal articles, book reviews, and more in the areas of social work and psychology. Take a look at the handout in the box to the right for an overview of database searching.

Multi-Disciplinary Databases

The subject-specific databases listed in the Social Work Databases section are the best places to start searching for social work materials, but you will probably also benefit from searching in some of the multi-disciplinary databases. Here are a few that I would recommend:

Browse Social Work Journal Titles

This is a list of some of the online full-text social work journals available in the APU Libraries collection. Some of these are available in print, some are online, and some are available in both formats.

Articles on Research in Social Work

Want to see recent articles about research methods from the SocINDEX with Full Text database? Check out the articles below. In order to access these from off-campus, you will need to enter your username and id in an authentication dialog box.

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APU Databases

APU has close to 100 databases to assist you in your research. Most of these databases will help you find journal articles. However, there are many more types of content that you will discover in these databases, such as streaming music (Classical Music Library), electronic books (EBSCO eBook Collection), art images (ARTstor), just to name a few.

To access the databases...

Need help using ATLA Religion database? Take a look at the following guide:

How to do Scripture Research in APU Databases

Finding Full Text Articles Online

There are usually a couple of scenarios in which you find yourself needing to know if APU Libraries can provide you with a particular journal article: 1) you found a journal article listed in a bibliography, or a syllabus, or elsewhere, and you'd really like to get it, or 2) you're searching in one of the many journal article databases, and you find an article in the results list that you want, but you don't see a full-text link. In the first case, a tool called 'Article Finder' will be helpful, and in the second case, the 'Full Text Finder' links will assist you.

Have a Particular Article You Want to Find? Use Article Finder!

When you want to know if APU Libraries can provide you with a particular journal article you have citation information for, Article Finder is the tool for you. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the library website:
  2. Click on the 'Articles and Databases' tab, and then on the 'Article Finder' link (see graphic below). 

  3. Type in at least the journal title (or ISSN), volume, issue and the article title, and click 'Search' or 'Go.' More information is good, too. If you have a DOI, no other information is necessary.
  4. If the article is available in full-text for you to read online, you will be taken to a page displaying linked options for full text availability for the article and you can follow the link(s) to your database of choice when any such options are displayed and then find the article. [Note: This functionality may change with our new library system in 2022.]
  5. If there are no full text listings, this means that it isn't available in any of our databases nor in our print holdings. You will see a form with most of the citation filled out. Fill out any other citation information if necessary, and submit the form. You will receive the article in your email within 2-10 business days if it's available from our partner libraries. See the interlibrary loan services section of the library website. 
  6. If you are having problems using Article Finder, or if you're interested in simply checking to see if APU has a particular journal title, use the search box on the 'Journal Titles' tab. As opposed to Article Finder which takes complete citation information, Periodical Finder only requires the journal title to be inputted to check holdings.  If we have that journal in our databases, you will see a "virtual shelf" listing of the volume numbers available and you can click on the volume link and then use "search within" to find the needed article. 

Found a Great Article in a Database but No Full Text? Use Full Text Finder!

Before following the instructions below, note that not all of our databases will have Full Text Finder links (but most will).

  1. When you've performed a search in one of the journal article databases, and you have a list of results, you'll eventually start noticing that some results will have a full-text link (which means you can access the article online), and others have a Full Text Finder link (which means the database you're using does not provide access to the article online): 
  2. Click on the Full Text Finder link. You will be taken to a page listing links to possible options for finding or requesting the full text of the article, including:  Full Text - APU Licensed Resources (when it's available in any other databases) and ILL/Interlibrary Loan for APU patrons that has a link to a form so that you can request it via our ILL team - fill out any additional information, submit the form, and you should receive the article by email within 2-10 business days.  Additional groups of Browse options by journal title, author or article can be found there as well that can be pursued to try to unearth full text, but the most useful are the above-mentioned APU Licensed Resources (which sometimes includes Open Access as well), ILL services or searching APU's catalog to determine if we have the journal (and the volume and issue needed) in our print collection and then go to the library and make a copy or scan of it.

What's A Library Database?