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Theological Research for Community Patrons: Home

This guide is intended for non-APU patrons who are interested in theological research. This guide was originally created by Michelle Spomer.

More Online Guides Like This One

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If you're interested in finding theological information, but are not an APU student, staff or faculty member, then this guide is for you. To get started, take a look at the guide information below, or simply click on the tab of interest above.

Happy researching!

How Do I Use This Guide?

This guide is divided into several pages, which are accessed by clicking on the tabs above or the links below. The last two tabs above, 'Stamps Library at APU' and 'SCATLA Libraries,' are actually direct links to websites rather than pages.

Using Online Tools Effectively
This section contains search tips and strategies in order to help you find the resources you want.

Library Resources
Libraries can be rich sources of information. This page will help you locate libraries in your area, and will describe basic theological resources that you might find in them.

Online Resources
While the Internet certainly has a lot of dubious content, there are also some very good free theological resources available. Take a look at this part of the guide to find theological websites and information.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me - my information can be found in the box to the right.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Liz Leahy
James L. Stamps Theological Library,
Azusa Pacific University
901 E. Alosta Ave
Azusa, CA 91702