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COMM215-03 (Writing for Communication): Home

For a course taught in 2013 by APU's, Dr. Michelle Armstrong

A Writer at Work

"JB Priestley at work in his study, (Highgate, London), 1940, Daily Herald Archive, The National Media Museum, FLICKR Creative Commons

Reading and Writing

How to Read and Why, by Harold Bloom, PN83 .B55 2000

Writing Effective Policies and Procedures:  A Step by Step Resource for Clear Communication, by Nancy Campbell (ebook)

Writing in Communication Studies, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (online resource)

A Writer's Reference, sixth edition, Diane Hacker (online resource)

The Writer's Web, University of Richmond (online resource)

Citation Resources

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APU copy)

Zotero, Free, Firefox extension to help you manage your citations

Online Writing Lab (OWL), Purdue University, APA Style

How to Cite Sources in APA Format: creating in-text citations and reference lists in APA Style, by Kimberley Stevenson, APU Librarian

Reference Resources

Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, Steven W. Littlejohn (on order)

Journalism Theory Practice and Criticism, (ebook)

Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Ed., Robert L. Heath, ECampus Ref HD59 .E48 2005 vol. 2

Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Ed., Deborah Schiffrin, ECampus P302 .C36 2003

APU Databases

What is a library database? (RMIT University)

Academic Search Premier, full-text academic journals

Project Muse, digital humanities and social science resource

Oxford Reference Online Premier Collection, an online, reference library

Credo Reference (A database of subject specific reference resources)

JSTOR, over six hundred core, scholarly journals

CQ Researcher, (apu users online access), political reports covering international affairs, social trends, criminal justice, education, the enviornment and more

Literature Review

Steps of a Literature Review

1) QUESTION:  What is the research question you are asking?

2) SEARCH AND RESEARCH:  Discover what has already been said about your question by using scholarly databases and resources

3) MANAGE:  Organize and manage your results topically

4) SYNTHESIZE:  Read, write, dig, wrestle with your findings

5) WRITE:  Write your assessment of the literature you've reviewed


Doing a Literature Review:  Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination by Chris Hart, ECampus H62 .H2566 1998

Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper, by Arlene Fink, WCampus Q180.55 .M4 F56 2010

Subject Guide

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Luba Zakharov
Azusa Pacific University
Hugh and Hazel Darling Library
701 E. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, CA 91702
626.815.6000, ext. 5938


David C. Bicker Communication Ethics Conference:  Communication, Ethics and Civiity, Azusa Pacific University, February 7, 2013

Major Communication Conferences, Annenberg School for Communiction, University of Pennsylvania

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