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CQ Researcher
  • Licensed by Azusa Pacific University
  • Alumni Access
CQ Researcher
  • Licensed by Azusa Pacific University
  • Alumni Access


  • CQ Researcher is the choice of researchers seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Published online 44 times a year, CQ Researcher offers in-depth, unbiased coverage of political and social issues, with regular reports on a wide range of topics including: health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, the U.S. economy, crime, and civil liberties. Each CQ Researcher report is a unique work, investigated and written by a seasoned journalist, professionally fact-checked, and footnoted to facilitate further research. A feature called Hot Topics provides shorter reports on 10 of the most popular subjects.

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  • University alumni may have access to the content hosted on Sage and CQ Press platforms through their university library, based on their university's current and active holdings. All alumni registered with subscribing or purchasing libraries will be able to access these resources, including more than 1,000 scholarly and professional journals at no extra fee. University libraries already support current students and scholars with access to online resources through both on-site and remote services. This license extends this offering to alumni via IP address, ATHENS, or SHIBBOLETH through the institution’s account. Sage does not have the information or systems necessary to authenticate an individual as being an alumnus of a particular institution. Because of this, institutions will need to manage the authentication process and provide alumni with a route through the institutional IP network or with an ATHENS or SHIBBOLETH profile. Please contact for access issues.