Los Angeles Times on ProQuest
  • Licensed by Azusa Pacific University
Los Angeles Times on ProQuest
  • Licensed by Azusa Pacific University


  • The Los Angeles Times is one of the largest metropolitan newspapers in the U.S. It has won numerous journalism awards including 37 Pulitzer prizes, five of which are gold medals for public service. 

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  • The Times' editorial department is one of the most impressive in the world and the largest new gathering operation in California, which includes 22 foreign, 11 national, and four state bureaus. 
  • Each issue of every newspaper is indexed thoroughly, so your patrons have access to not only top news stories, but also detailed information on the arts, sports, business, and popular culture. Even such items as editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries, and letters to the editor from well-known people are indexed.
  • Coverage: 1985 - current 