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UBBL481 (History of Biblical Interpretation): King James and the Received Text

Books About King James and the Received Text

Just an alphabetical listing of ebooks related to The King James Version of the Bible.

Hover over the "info" icon to read a brief abstract of the book.

Links to Articles about King James and the Received Text

** You will have to log in with your APU credentials to access these links. **

The links below are saved searches in the Atlas database. They are searches for the Subject Heading mentioned. There are no limiters used. Consult with your professor as to things like acceptable date range or if they must be "peer reviewed" articles.

You may want to add another search term in the second search box, at the top of the screen, to narrow the list.

Hint: read the subject headings for the articles listed and only use those that fulfill your needs.

Links to Electronic Encyclopedia Entries