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How to Find Dissertations and Theses: Locating Dissertations by APU Students

Locating and citing APU and non-APU dissertations and theses using APU library resources.

APU Dissertations & Theses

There are two ways to locate dissertations produced by APU students. All theses and dissertations are printed and copies are maintained in the library. These can be checked out or requested. In addition, many of titles can also be accessed electronically in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Electronic Copies of APU Dissertations and Theses

Dissertation authors are responsible for submitting their documents and setting download permissions in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, so while many APU dissertations and theses can be found electronically, not all work completed by APU students will appear in the database. (If you are looking for a specific dissertation by an APU student and can't find it electronically in the database, follow the instructions in the box below on searching our catalog for the print copies of their work.)

Once in ProQuest Dissertations and Thesestype "Azusa Pacific University" in the search box, and choose "University/Institution - SCH" from the drop-down menu. You may also add keywords etc. in additional search boxes to limit your searching to your topic

Print Copies of APU Dissertations and Theses

The most effective way to search for print copies of dissertations, theses, and capstone projects by APU alumni is to use the APU library catalog. If you know the name of the author or the title of the dissertation, you can do a keyword search for those.

Otherwise, use the advanced search tab to search for the name of the school in which the student was enrolled as "Author," and the words "dissertation," "thesis," or "capstone" as "Title":

Searching the catalog for APU dissertations and theses

The APU Libraries keep two copies of all doctoral dissertations and capstones, all master's theses, and some undergraduate capstone projects. One "Library use only" copy is kept in the Thesis Collection in Marshburn Library, and one circulating copy is kept in the folio collection of the most relevant library (e.g., circulating D.Min. dissertations are kept in the Stamps Theological Library, and Ed.D. and Psy.D. dissertations are kept in the Darling Library).

You can use these searches to get started: