Use the links below to navigate through this guide.
The links below will perform searches in various library catalogs. For more information about LINK+, click here. If you'd like to have a book you find in WorldCat (and it's not in APU or LINK+ libraries), you can use interlibrary loanto request a copy.
The links below will perform searches in various library catalogs. For more information about LINK+, click here. If you'd like to have a book you find in WorldCat (and it's not in APU or LINK+ libraries), you can use interlibrary loan to request a copy.
The links below will perform searches in various library catalogs. For more information about LINK+, click here. If you'd like to have a book you find in WorldCat (and it's not in APU or LINK+ libraries), you can use interlibrary loanto request a copy.
The following resources are available in APU libraries (or online) - click on the title link to check for location and availability. The image link will take you to the resource in Amazon.
Credo Reference topic pages provide links to a variety of resources, including images, journal articles, books, etc. The topic page listed below lists a variety of resources related to Don Quixote.
Click here to view a variety of interpretations of Don Quixote from the ARTstor database. You may have to disable your pop-up window blocker.
This link will take you into the Gale Virtual Reference Library where you will find essays, biographies, overviews, and other information about Don Quixote.
Illustration by Gustave Doré via Wikimedia Commons
Cervantes' Don Quixote
This online guide is intended to complement the reading of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. You will find a wide variety of library and Internet resources in the boxes on this page.
Happy researching!
Cascade Books will be publishing Twelve Great Books that Changed the University: And Why Christians Should Care, edited by Steve Wilkens and Don Thorsen. One of the chapters, "Literature: Cervantes, Don Quixote (1605-1615)," is written by Andrea Ivanov-Craig. Look for this book to be available sometime in 2014!
The following articles are from an RSS feed in Academic Search Premier for a particular search. This list is automatically sorted by date (newest first). If you would like to sort by relevance, click on the 'View Website' link below, and then look for the menu at the top right of the results list - make sure this says 'Relevance.' You can also modify the search by clicking on the 'View Website' link below, and then on the 'Advanced Search' link under the search box.
The following articles are from an RSS feed in MLA International Bibliography for a particular search. This list is automatically sorted by date (newest first). If you would like to sort by relevance, click on the 'View Website' link below, and then look for the menu at the top right of the results list - make sure this says 'Relevance.' You can also modify the search by clicking on the 'View Website' link below, and then on the 'Advanced Search' link under the search box.
Click on 'Search' below to get a variety of results from Google Scholar.
The videos below are just a small sampling of all that has been inspired by Don Quixote. Find more by clicking here.
The links below will take you to some selected Internet resources. if you would like to recommend websites that you've found, click on the 'Comments' link below.