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eHRAF World Cultures

eHRAF World Cultures contains ethnographic collections covering all aspects of cultural and social life. Information is organized by cultures and ethnic groups and the full-text sources are subject-indexed at the paragraph level.

Basic Video Tutorials

In this video, you will learn how to conduct a basic keyword search in eHRAF World Cultures, including filtering and understanding search results.

Use the Basic Search in eHRAF to search for terms or phrases and the database will automatically match your search with the cultures and subjects indexed in the database and in the document text.

The Basic Search returns a list of cultures by region.  Expand the list and select a culture to see the list of related documents.  Use the Show Paragraph or Show Page links to view the full text.

In this video you will learn how to browse subject profiles in eHRAF World Cultures.

In this video you will learn how to navigate to the Culture Profile in eHRAF World Cultures. This tutorial uses the example of the eHRAF World Cultures file on Navajo society.

This video explains how eHRAF categorizes its massive database of ethnographic and archaeological research (that has been subject-indexed) by subsistence type.

Advanced Search

In this video, you will learn how to conduct an advanced search in eHRAF World Cultures, including filtering and understanding search results. This tutorial utilizes the example of a research question on how infants and children contribute to or participate in the collection and gathering of roots for subsistence across societies in the African continent.

An Advanced Search in eHRAF allows you to construct Boolean searches with multiple clauses using one or more cultures, subjects, and/or terms in the document text.

1. Build an Advanced Search using subjects, cultures, or keywords.

Select cultures, subjects, and/or text to search by using the "Add/Remove" buttons to manually add, remove, or modify your index selections, or by entering terms in the text box. Click the "Create Another Sub-Group..." or "Create Another Group..." buttons to add additional clauses.  Then click Submit eHRAF Search.

2. Refine the search by geographic regions, subsistence and sample types.

3. Use “snippets” of texts for easy viewing and to toggle between Paragraph and Page view.

In this video, you will learn how to add an extra search form to an advanced search in eHRAF World Cultures.

Search Results

In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate and filter your search results. This tutorial uses the example of a search on how infants and children contribute or participate in the collection and gathering of roots for subsistence across societies in the African continent.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to arrive at the full context view of search results, and how to print and email search results from within the full context view. This tutorial uses the example of a search on how infants and children contribute to or participate in the collection and gathering of roots for subsistence across societies in the African continent.

In this video, you will learn how to access the publication information for texts that HRAF has indexed.

Citing in eHRAF

In this video you will learn how to cite HRAF and how to cite documents you located through HRAF.