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English 488 (Significant Authors: Jane Austen, George Eliot, Virginia Woolf): Home

To support a 3 unit, upper-division English course on three of the most famous female British authors

Library of Congress Headings

Library of Congress Classification Outline

P -- Language and Literature (select Word or PDF)

Subclass PR -- English Literature

Online Scholarly Resources

Norton Anthology of English Literature (Romantic Period) (Great Books online)

British Library: Timelines, Sources from History, British Library, London

Cambridge History of English and American Literature, Volume XIII, online and searchable

Cambridge History of English and American Literature, Volume IV, online and searchable

Internet Modern History Sourcebook, (Fordham University) -- note, see 19C Britain

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), free, full text, quality controlled and scholarly journals

Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts, Eric Lease Morgan, University of Notre Dame

Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (RaVoN): International E-Journal Devoted to British Nineteenth-Century Literature, erudit.

JURN, (free, full-text, and curated, academic search engine)

Victorian Women Writers Project, Indiana University

APU Reference Resources

Oxford Reference Online, Oxford

Oxford English Dictionary, (electronic)

Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1740 - 1830, Thomas Keymer and Jon Mee, ECampus PR441 .C36 2004

Oxford English Literary History, (Oxford University Press), ECampus PR85 .096 2002

Dictionary of National Biography, ECampus Ref DA28 .D47 1921 v. 22 (see also,

Cambridge Companions (APU Collections)

APU Databases

What is a library database? (RMIT University)

MLA International Bibliography, core literature database (also for film reviews)

Project Muse, complete, full-text collection of scholarly journals in a variety of fields

Literature Online, a searchable database of key criticism and reference resources

Proquest Databases, multiple databases in the arts and the humanities

ATLA Religion Database, premiere resource for scholarly religious articles

Oxford Reference Online, an online reference library including dictionaries and encyclopedias

JSTOR, over six hundred core, scholarly journals

Movie Reviews (Movie Reviews)

New York Times Reviews, (by year, genre, country of origin)

British Art Films, (by year, genre, actors)

Siegfried Kracquer's American Writings: Essays on Film & Popular Culture, (electronic)

Time Out Film Guide, John Pym (editor), ECampus PN 1998 .T46 1999

VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever, ECampus PN 1992 .95 .V554

Agee on Film:  Criticism and Comments on the Movies, James Agee, ECampus PN 1993 .5 .A1 A35 2000

New Biographical Dictionary of Film, David Thomson, ECampus Ref PN 1998.2 .T49 2002

Yale Film Studies, Film Analysis Website 2.0, Yale University

Subject Guide

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Luba Zakharov
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Other Catalogs to Search

British Library Catalogue, London, England

LibWeb, a directory of library catalogs on the web

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