Many of the resources on this page are comprehensive in scope and contain content relevant to several of the specialized tabs in this guide. Particular History/Methods/Approaches content can be found on each of the Postmodern pages (Africa-Native/Indigenous tabs) as well. Some resources on this page do not fit neatly into or are broader than one method/approach or time but merit inclusion and so are included on this page.
See the "Specialized Lens" boxes on pages of the Commentaries/Works by Book of the Bible to see commentaries employing the application and practice of recent and emerging theories and approaches in Postmodern and Global biblical hermeneutics.
Many of the modern commentaries which are featured prominently on each page on that guide outside of the Special Lens box demonstrate the historical-critical method (and/or some of its subdisciplines), while some employ that traditional method to interpret from new, particularized approaches, and then some recent developing theories are seen in some commentaries using both new methods and particularized approaches in interpreting the text.
Reference Works
Handbook of Biblical Criticism, Fourth Edition by Richard N. Soulen; R. Kendall SoulenThe fourth edition of this best-selling textbook continues to be a valuable resource for the beginning student in the critical study of the Bible. Thoroughly revised to include the newest methods, recent discoveries, and developments in the field of biblical criticism over the past decade, the Handbook of Biblical Criticism is designed to be a starting point for understanding the vast array of methods, approaches and technical terms employed in this field. Updates in this edition also include an expanded dictionary of terms, phrases, names, and frequently used abbreviations, as well as a bibliography that includes the most up-to-date date publications. The Handbook of Biblical Criticism is a valuable introductory textbook and a reliable guide for pastors, laypersons, and scholars whose expertise lies in other fields.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation by Steven L. McKenzie, editor-In-chiefThe two-volume Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation (OEBI) will fill a crucial need in the field of biblical studies by providing detailed, comprehensive treatments of the latest approaches to and methods for interpretation of the Bible written by expert practitioners. It will provide a single source for authoritative reference overviews of scholarship on some of the most important topics of study in the field of biblical studies. As with all high quality reference works, it provides a solid foundation that students and scholars can use to orientate themselves before venturing into original research. The Encyclopedia will contain nearly 120 entries, ranging in length from 3,000 to 5,000 words. It will be organized in an A-to-Z format. Each entry will be signed, contain a bibliography for further reading, and will be cross-referenced to other useful points of interest within the Encyclopedia. It will also feature a topical outline of contents and an extensive index.
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (online title is EBR Online) by Hans-Josef Klauck et al., eds.The projected thirty-volume Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on the background, origins, and development of the canonical texts of the Bible as they were accepted in Judaism and Christianity. Unprecedented in breadth and scope, this encyclopedia also documents the history of the Bible's interpretation and reception across the centuries, not only in Judaism and Christianity, but also in literature, visual art, music, film, and dance, as well as in Islam and other religious traditions and new religious movements. The EBR is also available online. Further information on ,,The Bible and Its Reception".
Call Number: Stamps Reference Floor BS440 .E539 2009 v.1-v.4 only
ISBN: 9783110199048
Publication Date: 2007-07-06-2024
Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters by Donald K. McKim, ed.ECPA 2009 Christian Book Award finalist!From Abelard to Zwingli, the history of Christian biblical interpretation has been shaped by great thinkers who delved deeply into the structure and meaning of Christianity's sacred texts. With over two hundred in-depth articles, theDictionary of Major Biblical Interpretersintroduces readers to the principal players in that history: their historical and intellectual contexts, their primary works, their interpretive principles and their broader historical significance. In addition, six major essays offer an overview of the history of biblical interpretation from the second century to the present. This one-volume reference by Donald K. McKim, a revised and vastly expanded edition of IVP Academic'sHistorical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters,will serve as an invaluable tool for any serious student of the Bible and the history of biblical interpretation.
The New Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation by Ian Boxall; Bradley C. Gregory, eds.This Cambridge Companion offers an up-to-date and accessible guide to the fast-changing discipline of biblical studies. Written by scholars from diverse backgrounds and religious commitments - many of whom are pioneers in their respective fields - the volume covers a range of contemporary scholarly methods and interpretive frameworks. The volume reflects the diversity and globalized character of biblical interpretation in which neat boundaries between author-focused, text-focused, and reader-focused approaches are blurred. The significant space devoted to the reception of the Bible - in art, literature, liturgy, and religious practice - also blurs the distinction between professional and popular biblical interpretation. The volume provides an ideal introduction to the various ways that scholars are currently interpreting the Bible. It offers both beginning and advanced students an understanding of the state of biblical interpretation, and how to explore each topic in greater depth.
ISBN: 9781108796675
Publication Date: 2022-12-22
Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender by Kristen E. Kvam; Linda S. Schearing; Valarie H. Ziegler, eds."The editors have performed a great service in making widely available a documentary history of the interpretation of the Eve and Adam story." --Publishers Weekly "This fascinating volume examines Genesis 1-3 and the different ways that Jewish, Christian, and Muslim interpreters have used these passages to define and enforce gender roles. . . . a 'must' . . . " --Choice "Wonderful! A marvelous introduction to the ways in which the three major Western religious traditions are both like, and unlike one another." --Ellen Umansky, Fairfield University No other text has affected women in the western world as much as the story of Eve and Adam. This remarkable anthology surveys more than 2,000 years of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim commentary and debate on the biblical story that continues to raise fundamental questions about what it means to be a man or to be a woman. The selections range widely from early postbiblical interpretations in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha to the Qur'an, from Thomas Aquinas to medieval Jewish commentaries, from Christian texts to 19th-century antebellum slavery writings, and on to pieces written especially for this volume.
Call Number: Stamps Stacks BS1235.3 .E87 1999
ISBN: 9780253109033
Publication Date: 1999-05-15
Scripture As Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics by Jeannine K. BrownJeannine Brown, a seasoned teacher of biblical interpretation, believes that communication is at the heart of what happens when we open the Bible. We are actively engaging God in a conversation that can be life changing. In this guide to the theory and practice of biblical hermeneutics, Brown emphasizes the communicative nature of Scripture, proposing a communication model as an effective approach to interpreting the Bible. The new edition of this successful textbook has been revised and updated to interact with recent advances in interpretive theory and practice.
ISBN: 9781493430659
Publication Date: 2021-07-20 (2nd. ed.)
History of Biblical Interpretation by William YarchinWilliam Yarchin gives us an excellent introduction to the history of biblical interpretation that starts at 150 B.C.E. and moves to the present. This reader provides original texts as examples of the major developments and principal approaches to interpreting the Bible. It also introduces these methods and the authors who exemplify them. Bibliographic references direct students to further resources. Book jacket.
Call Number: Stamps Stacks BS500 .Y37 2004
ISBN: 9781565637207
Publication Date: 2004-03-01
Exegetical Guides
Old Testament Exegesis, Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Students and Pastors by Douglas StuartFor years, Douglas Stuart's Old Testament Exegesishas been one of the most popular ways to learn how to perform exegesis--the science and art of interpreting biblical texts properly for understanding as well as proclamation. Completely updated and substantially expanded, this new edition includes scores of newer resources, a new configuration of the format for the exegesis process, and an entirely new section explaining where to find and how to use the latest electronic and online resources for doing biblical research. Stuart provides guidance for full exegesis as well as for a quicker approach to provide information specifically tailored to the task of preaching. A glossary of terms explains the sometimes bewildering language of biblical scholarship, and a list of frequent errors guides the student in avoiding common mistakes. No exegetical guide for the Old Testament has been more widely used in training ministers and students to be faithful, careful interpreters of Scripture.