Ecology, writing theory, and new media: writing ecology, edited by Sydney I. Dobrin, ECampus (PE1404 .E28 2012)
The Handbook of scholarly writing and publishing, edited by Tonette S. Rocco and Tim Hatcher, ECampus (PN146 .H36 2011)
Engaging ideas : the professor's guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom, (ebook), by John C. Bean with a forward by Maryellen Weimer, Jossey-Bass, 2011
Lit from within: contemporary masters on the art and craft of writing (ebook), edited by Kevin Haworth and Dinty W. Moore, Ohio University Press, 2011
Stylish academic writing, (ebook), by Helen Sword, Harvard University Press, 2012
Essentials of teaching academic writing, (with ESL and EAP component), Joy M. Reid, Thompson Heinle Publishers, ECampus (PE1128 .R4334 2006)
Academic writing in context: implications and applications, (ebook), edited by Martin Hewings, Continuum Publishers, 2006
Writing an Argument to a Real Audience: Alternative Ways to Motivate Students in Writing about Science, By Ying-Chih Chen, Teaching Science, December 2013.
The elements of international English style : a guide to writing correspondence, reports, technical documents, and internet pages for a global audience, By Edmond H. Weiss, (ebook)
On Message: Precision Communication for the Digital Age, By Theo Theobald, ECampus (HF5718 .T456 2013)
Writing with Purpose and Passion: a Writer's Guide to Language and Literature, By Jeffrey Stalcup and Mike Rovasio, ECampus (PE1408 .S667 1998)
Methods in Writing Process Research, Edited by Dagmar Knorr, Carmen Heine, Jan Engberg, 2014, (ebook)
Academic vocabulary in learner writing: from extraction to analysis, by Magali Paquot, London Bloombury Academic, 2010
Pretexts for writing, by Thomas Allbaugh, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2013
Can I change your mind: the craft and art of persuasive writing (ebook), by Lindsey Camp, A & E Black, 2007
Argument in composition, (ebook) by John Ramage (and others), Parlor Press, LLC, 2009
Rhetoric of reason: writing and the attractions of argument, (ebook), by James Crosswhite, University of Wisconsin Press, 1996
Writing 1, The Art and Craft of Writing, APU Writing Center