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Gale Virtual Reference Library: Science

Titles List

 eBook Title eISBN
Plant Sciences 2001 9780028659145
Pollution A to Z 2004 9780028659053
Science and Its Times 2001 9780787677244
Science in Dispute v1 2002 9780787691707
Science in Dispute v2 2002 9780787691714
Science in Dispute v3 2003 9780787691721
Science of Everyday Things 2002 9780787677466
The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders e2 2006 9781414404738
The Gale Encyclopedia of Science e3 2004 9780787677763
Water: Science and Issues 2003 9780028659060
World of Earth Science 2003 9780

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Sample Titles

Bioethics, 2014     The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, 2004       Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy, 2001     Genetics, 2003     Mathematics, 2002