Media items are located in Marshburn Library on East Campus. Undergrad and graduate students may check out media items for 2 days. Faculty, staff, and doctoral students may check out media items for 14 days. Regional Center students may request mailing of media items with the Interlibrary Services request form.
Locate books on your topic by searching the APU library catalog:
Undergrad and graduate students can borrow up to 100 books at a time, with an initial check-out period of 28 days and 4 renewals. Doctoral students, staff, and faculty members can borrow up to 500 books at a time, with an initial check-out period of 90 days and 2 renewals. Off-campus Regional Center & Online students may request free mailing of items by clicking on "Request" in the library record and then selecting "By Mail" in the pickup location box.
You can check your library account and renew your library books online through the APU library catalog.
When you find a book that you like, look at the subject headings that are given for it. You can click on those subject headings to find other books on the same subject:
The LINK+ catalog allows you to locate and request books (free of charge!) from any of the 52 LINK+ Libraries:
There are 2 options: you may go directly to the owning library with your APU ID card and borrow the book (call first to make sure that the book is on the shelf). Or, Just click the "Request This Item" link whenever you find a book you want to borrow. The book will be available for pickup in either Marshburn or Darling within a few business days (the APU Libraries will automatically mail LINK+ books to Regional Center students at their home addresses; this will add a few extra days of processing time).
APU students, faculty, and staff can borrow up to 15 LINK+ books at a time, with an initial check-out period of 3 weeks and one 2-week renewal. You can renew LINK+ books through your library account.
WorldCat allows you to search the collections of more than 10,000 libraries around the world. To request items, look up the publication information in WorldCat, then fill out the Interlibrary Loan Request form on the APU Libraries web site. Requested items will be mailed to Regional Campus students' home addresses; they will be held for pick-up by Azusa campus students.
Note: There is a $2 per item charge for Interlibrary Loan requests, so please check APU's holdings and LINK+ before using this option. It will take 7-10 business days for the item to arrive, so plan ahead. A notice will be sent your APU email account when the book arrives and is ready for pickup (If you are an online or regional center student the book will be sent to you).
The APU Libraries own a number of Ebooks, which are books that you can read online. Ebooks are available any time, and can save you time and money since you don't have to drive to the library to check out books. You can access Ebooks through the following databases:
Try Google Books to find possible electronic excerpts of needed materials: