The following items are all available in the APU collection. Click on the title links below to go into the library catalog, and click on the images to see the item in Amazon.
The following items are all available in the APU collection. Click on the title links below to go into the library catalog, and click on the images to see the item in Amazon.
LINK+ is a library catalog for the holdings of 60+ libraries, including APU Libraries. APU faculty, staff and students may request for free anything in LINK+ that has the status of "Available." Allow 2-4 business days for delivery. For more information, go to the LINK+ section of the library website.
To find library resources on your topic, follow the steps below.
Step One: Go to the Basic Search in the APU catalog, and enter one or two terms, or a phrase (see below). Click 'Submit' and follow the rest of the steps below.
Step Two: Skim through your results and look for a book that seems relevant to your topic. Click on the title of the book so that you can see the full record.
Step Three: Look in the 'Subject' section, and click on any subject that has something to do with your topic. If there are no relevant subjects, go back to your original results list and repeat step two.
Step Four: When you click on a subject link, you should be taken to a list of subjects where you can either choose the same subject, or choose a different one. Click on the subject link of choice. You can see the number of items for each subject off to the right. Clicking on the subject link will give you the list of titles for that subject (in the graphic below, you will get a list of 135 titles for the subject 'Philosophical anthropology').
Step Five: After clicking on the subject link to get the title list, click on the first title link at the top of your new results list (in the example above, all your results will have 'Philosophical anthropology' as a subject, as well as other subjects that could be useful). Go through this list by using the 'Previous record' and 'Next record' links in the upper right of the screen. You are trying to identify other subjects that are related to your topic. Once you find another subject of interest, click on the link for a new list of titles. You can repeat steps four and five until you feel that you've exhausted the relevant subjects used in the catalog.
Having a hard time using the library catalog? You might want to try the links below. These will take you into the library catalog right to a list of resources.