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Evidence Based Practice in the Health Sciences: Getting Started with EBP

This LibGuide is meant to provide an overview of Evidence Based Practice, including links, worksheets, and other relevant information related to each of the steps of the EBP process. 

What is Evidence Based Practice?

"EBP is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making within a healthcare organization. EBP integrates the best available scientific evidence with the best available experiential (patient and practitioner) evidence. EBP uses a deliberate approach to consider internal and external influences on practice and to encourage critical thinking in the judicious application of such evidence to the care of individual patients, a patient population, or a system (Dang & Dearholt, 2018)...

EBP creates a culture of critical thinking and ongoing learning and is the foundation for an environment in which evidence supports clinical and operational decisions, and decisions related to improvements in learning. EBP supports rational decision-making, reducing inappropriate variation in practice and making it easier for clinicians to do their job. EBP is an explicit process that facilitates meeting the needs of patients and delivering care that is effective, efficient, equitable, patient-centered, safe, and timely (IOM, 2001)." (Cited in Dang, Dearholt, Bissett, Ascenzi, & Whalen, 2021). 

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Denise R. Gehring, MSLIS, MA
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Books on EBP

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Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals, 4th Edition 2022

Table of Contents

Articles on EBP in Nursing

"Evidence-based nursing (EBN) means using the best available evidence from research, along with patient preferences and clinical experience, when making nursing decisions.1 Nurses are increasingly concerned about ensuring that care is research based, and EBN offers a strategy to help nurses achieve this goal by using 5 steps:

Step 1: reflecting on practice and identifying areas of uncertainty

Step 2: translating these areas of uncertainty into focused, searchable questions2

Step 3: searching the literature for studies that use appropriate designs to help answer the question36

Step 4: critically appraising the research

Step 5: changing practice if the research suggests this is necessary." (Cullum, 2000)