HealthKnowledgeThis learning resource is for anyone working in health, social care and well-being wherever they work or study. The resource allows you to access a broad range of learning materials for personal use or for teaching purposes in order to help everyone expand their public health knowledge.
The resources have been set up within four different learning styles:
Public Health Textbook organised in relation to the Faculty of Public Health Part A syllabus but can benefit anyone aiming to increase their public health competencies.
Text Courses involve reading provided text and then questions, answers and feedback, in epidemiology, statistical methods, sickness and health information, population health information, applications of health information at practitioner and specialist levels.
Video Courses in the form of audio podcasts with animated PowerPoint slides and supporting video components, Q&As, and further resources. The subjects covered are finding and appraising the evidence, learning from stakeholders, screening, programme budgeting and marginal analysis.
Management Training with PowerPoint slides, workbooks, and trainer notes in four clinical areas: diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and child health.