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RELG200 (Introduction to the Study of Religion): Where Do I Start?

This guide includes print and electronic resources and instruction that will aid students in the study of religion. This guide was originally created by Michelle Spomer.

Online Reference Resources

The following resources are available online. If you are accessing these off-campus, you will need log in with your APU ID and password.

General Reference Resources for Religion

Reference resources, which can be found on the second floors of Stamps Library, can give you a brief overview of particular topics, and often will provide bibliographies at the end of articles that will give you more resources on the subject. In this section, some of the reference resources we have in our print and online collections are listed below. To find books on the same subjects that you can check out (i.e. non-reference books), take note of the call numbers and look for these in the book stacks (the three floors in the middle of Stamps Library).

If you would like to look for more reference books, follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Advanced Search in the library catalog.
  2. Enter a term in the first search box.

  3. In the Add Limits section, select 'Reference' from the Collection drop-down menu.
  4. Click the 'Submit' button.

Religion-Specific Reference Resources