There are several excellent resources on the Internet that will aid you in your Adult Development studies. In the box below, you'll find some recommended websites. This is not an exhaustive list by any means - you may find other relevant sites on your own. However, be sure to evaluate what you find not only for relevancy but also authority and quality. Take a look at the handout below for tips on evaluating websites.
Adult Development and Aging Programs
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Division of Family and Consumer Science (DFCS), in partnership with the land-grant universities, is committed to addressing priority issues related to older adults through research, education, and Extension. Together, through this unique partnership, resources are made available to meet the educational and decision-making needs of older adults, their families, and those who care for them.
APA Division 20: Adult Development and Aging
The Division on Adult Development and Aging (Division 20) of the American Psychological Association (APA) strives to advance the study of psychological development and change throughout the adult years. We invite membership from psychologists who provide services to older adults, conduct research on adult development and aging, or are interested in learning more about or teaching life span development and aging. The division has a strong mentorship focus; we invite and encourage participation from students and emerging professionals who share our interests.
Four Adult Development Theories and Their Implications for Practice
What is adult development? What relevance do adult development theories and models have to the practice of adult basic education? Our philosophy of adult development informs our teaching. For example, if we believe that people mature by passively absorbing knowledge and reacting to their environments, our instruction differs from that of teachers who assume knowledge is constructed and that development depends on active participation with the environment.
Lifespan Development and Lifelong Learning
Contents · introduction · development · stages · gender, culture and political convenience · life events · conclusion · further reading and references
The search you see below searches for articles for the terms 'adult' and 'development.' Try changing out 'adult' and 'developent' with other terms.
The search you see below searches only .edu sites for the terms 'adult' and 'development.' By searching .edu sites only, you're likely to find more reputable information. You might also want to try searching .org sites. Cut and paste the search string below into Google (go to the website or search bar tool), and try changing out 'adult' and 'development' with other terms.