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How To Export Records Into EndNote: PubMed

This guide includes instructions for exporting records into EndNote from the APU library catalog, several APU databases, and Google Scholar. This guide was originally created by Michelle Spomer.

Follow These Instructions:

  • Perform a search in the PubMed database.
  • In the results list, put a checkmark next to the item(s) you want to export into EndNote. Once you're finished marking items, click on the Send To link at the top of the results list to the right. Put a mark next to the Citation Manager option. Click on the Create File button (see graphic below).

  • If you're looking at an individual record, the options will be the same (look for the Send To link at the top of the record).
  • Find the created file on your computer, and click on it to open. The reference(s) should appear in your EndNote library.