APU subscribes to over 40 databases through the EBSCOhost provider. All EBSCOhost databases will have the same look and feel, and will use the same procedures for exporting records. For a list of all EBSCOhost databases at APU, click here.
- Perform a search in an EBSCOhost database.
- In the results list, click the folder icon to the right of the title for each item you'd like to export (see graphic below).

- If you're looking at an individual record, click on the Add to Folder link to the right in the Tools section.
- After you're finished adding items to the folder, click on the Folder link at the top of the page.
- Mark the items you'd like to export (using the checkboxes to the left), and then click on the Export icon to the right.
- Make sure Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EasyBib, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero) is selected.

- Click the Save button.
- Find the .ris file on your computer, and click on it to open. It should appear in your EndNote library.