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Biblical Studies
Access over 30 searchable Bible translations, as well as commentaries, dictionaries, and encyclopedias.
Blue Letter Bible
The Blue Letter Bible has over 4,000,000 links onsite to over 165,000 pages of concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, images, and Bible versions.
New Testament Gateway
The New Testament Gateway is a comprehensive directory of academic internet resources related to the New Testament. It is divided into several sub-directories and dozens of pages, each relating to a specific topic.
The Unbound Bible
This site includes searchable Bible translations (in several different languages), Strong's Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, Bible maps, and several other resources.
Youth Ministry & Christian Education
Into Thy Word: Teaching People How to Study the Bible
This site includes Bible study methods, reading plans, Bibles studies, articles on Bible study, and many more resources.
Youth Specialties
This site includes articles, event listings, youth ministry job postings, and many more resources for youth ministry
Youth Worker
Youth ministry resources, youth lessons & youth group games
This site includes hundreds of resources, such as lesson plans and game suggestions, as well as links to many websites.
Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)
CCLI provides practical licensing solutions for music used for congregational singing and videos shown in a church setting. CCLI also supports each license with valuable services and resources like the SongSelect online subscription service, featuring lyrics, samples and transposable lead sheets, chord sheets and hymn/vocal sheets.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
An online library containing hundreds of classic Christian books, Bible outlines and commentaries.
This site contains over 180,000 sermons in MP3 format. Browse sermons by topic, speaker, scripture reference or date delivered. You can listen online or download the MP3 to your iPod.