Use these links to find more resources on educational technology.
Bachman, L., & Bachman, C. (2011). A Study of Classroom Response System Clickers: Increasing Student Engagement and Performance in a Large Undergraduate Lecture Class on Architectural Research. Journal Of Interactive Learning Research, 22(1), 5-21.
Berk, R. A. (2012). How to Create "Thriller" PowerPoints[R] in the Classroom!. Innovative Higher Education, 37(2), 141-152.
Booth, C. (2011). Mindomo Mapping: Visualizing Concepts and Curricula. Retrieved from
Davies, M. (2011). Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: What are the differences and do they matter? Higher Education, 62(3), 279-301.
Rackaway, C. (2012). Video Killed the Textbook Star?: Use of Multimedia Supplements to Enhance Student Learning. Journal Of Political Science Education, 8(2), 189-200.
Rebar, L., Deluca, A., & LaVigne, L. (2012). Mind Mapping. Retrieved from
Zdravkova, K., Ivanovic, M., & Putnik, Z. (2012). Experience of Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies. Educational Technology Research And Development, 60(2), 361-381.