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Free Open Access Publishing Opportunities for Azusa Pacific University Authors

Information on agreements that allow Azusa Pacific University authors to publish open access for free in selected journals.

Read-and-publish Agreement with Cambridge University Press

Azusa Pacific University, as a member of the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), is part of a read-and-publish agreement with Cambridge University Press until December 31, 2024*. In addition to providing Azusa Pacific University access to read a much larger number of Cambridge journals, this agreement allows Azusa Pacific University-affiliated authors to publish their articles Open Access in many Cambridge journals at no cost to themselves.

In other terms, this agreement covers the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Azusa Pacific authors whose research articles are accepted for publication in applicable Cambridge journals during the three-year agreement.

Please read on for information to determine if your research publication is eligible and to learn how to take advantage of this opportunity.

CC Licenses

Articles from authors at participating institutions will be published under the author's choice of the following licenses:

  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY-SA
  • CC-BY-ND 
  • CC-BY-NC
  • CC-BY-NC-SA 

For more information on Creative Commons licenses see the home page of this guide

Is my research eligible?

To be eligible, articles must:

How to publish Open Access under this agreement

1. Check your eligibility

  • To publish OA under this agreement, the corresponding author must be affiliated with Azusa Pacific University (verified by use of a Azusa Pacific email address).

2. Submit your research

  • Submit your research to an applicable journal using your institutional affiliation (ideally using ORCID).
    (Learn more about researcher IDs such as ORCID in the Researcher IDs and Profiles guide here.)

3. Complete your OA publishing agreement

  • Once your work has been accepted, complete and submit the journal’s OA author publishing agreement and select the Creative Commons license that will determine how readers can use your article.

4. Coordinate the APC transaction

  • RightsLink will then contact you to coordinate "payment" of your APC (Article Processing Charge, or the charge to publish Open Access). This is a necessary part of the process, even though there will be no cost to you as an Azusa Pacific-affiliated author. Once taken to the payment portal, you should select the option to "Apply Discounts" on the "Charges Estimate" page, then enter "Azusa Pacific University" into the "Affiliation Discount" box.

5. Publication

  • Congratulations! Once your article has published, anyone can find, read, and share your Open Access research.

Additional information