Azusa Pacific University, as a member of the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), is part of a read-and-publish agreement with Springer Publishing until December 31, 2024*. 'Springer Compact' transformative agreement (defined) which leverages existing subscriptions that provide standard institutional access and post cancellation rights to add support for open access publishing. This agreement allows Azusa Pacific University-affiliated authors to publish their articles Open Access in many Springer Journals at no cost to themselves.
In other terms, this agreement covers the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Azusa Pacific authors whose research articles are accepted for publication in applicable Springer journals during the 1-year agreement. It covers participating institutions’ corresponding author article publication charges for 2046 hybrid journals contained within Springer, society-owned “Academic Journals on”, Adis, and Palgrave collections included in your current subscription. It does not include reading or open publishing of Nature-branded or Scientific American content.
The agreement covers open publication of up to 550, 2023 articles across all 68 participating SCELC institutions, which is roughly 101% of the average number of qualifying articles that participating institutions’ corresponding authors published in those journals over the past 5 years. While we may collectively exceed this cap, it is unlikely, because the typical author OA opt-out rate is ~10%. The agreement does NOT cover the 279 fully open-access journals in the Springer portfolio: we hope to be able to cover these in the next agreement without additional costs to subscribing libraries.
Please read on for information to determine if your research publication is eligible and to learn how to take advantage of this opportunity.
Articles from authors at participating institutions will be published under the author's choice of the following licenses:
For more information on Creative Commons licenses see the home page of this guide
To be eligible, articles must:
There are many ways that authors may learn of their eligibility.
You may also view the Eligibility Process video (on the right side of this page) that will walk you through the steps for determining eligibility.
Typically, authors may choose among three common Creative Commons licenses: CC-BY & CC-BY-NC. Please see Springer's Open Access Article Licensing page for more detail. Learn more about the advantages of publishing on the Springer platform.
If 550 corresponding authors at SCELC institutions accept Open Publication of their articles before Dec 31, 2023, authors of qualifying accepted articles will no longer be offered 'at-no-charge' open publication for the rest of the year.
Springer has created a publication process that will help you know what happens next.
Submit your title and abstract to Springer's journal finder. Then to check the journal's eligibility, search for the title on this spreadsheet.