![UpToDate Logo](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/261034/images/Screen_Shot_2021-01-22_at_10.16.18_AM.png)
UpToDate® is a physician-authored clinical decision support resource used to make point-of-care decisions. More than 5,100 physician authors, editors and peer reviewers have synthesized the most recent medical information into evidence-based recommendations to improve patient care and quality.
Key Features
- Links directly to Lexicomp for expanded drug information.
- Links to Lexi-Interact Online: Lexicomp's Comprehensive Drug-to-Drug, Drug-to-Herb and Herb-to-Herb Interaction Analysis Program.
- Allows users to search in several different languages.
- Links to full text articles or articles can be ordered from Article Reach.
- Offers an app for iOS and Android.
- "What's New" link provides a list of the most important new information added to UpToDate.