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Public Performance Rights

Films available in Academic Video Online include limited public performance rights**, which includes permission for classroom showings and public screenings, as long as no admission is being charged.

**Except for FILM PLATFORM videos


  1. Click on the AVON link above or you can find it in the A-Z Database list under Streaming Video
  2. It will automatically redirect to the OpenAthens sign-in screen
  3. Then choose your OpenAthens sign-in depending if you are an APU (top option) or LAPU (middle option) student/faculty
  4. Then sign-in with your APU or LAPU Username & Password when prompted

Creating an Account

  1. Log in through APU following the steps above
  2. Click on the Person icon in the upper right corner
  3. Click on account sign-up (if you have an account, click on sign-in)
  4. Fill in the information, then click on the "sign-up" button

Librarian for the College of Nursing & Health Sciences

Profile Photo
Denise R. Gehring, MSLIS, MA
Associate Professor;
Head of Collections & Technical Services
Hugh & Hazel Darling Library #210
701 E. Foothill Blvd., PO Box 7000
Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 815-2055

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