Metropolitan Museum of Art Collections Database
Catalog of Illuminated Manuscripts, British Library
Warburg Institute, University of London
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) & the Repertoire de la Litterature de l'Art (RILA), covering the history of Western Art through Late Antiquity, 1975 - 2007, Getty Institute
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA
21st Century Art is also known as Contemporary Art
New Media Art
Graffiti Art
Abstract Art
Rhizome: a resource for new media art
APU Library Catalog (Search Everything)
APU Library Catalog (Advanced Search)
WorldCat, a catalog of North American Libraries
What is a library database? (RMIT University)
ARTstor, the premier image database
Grove Art Online (now, Oxford Art Online) - click, View full text journal (APU users only)
Project Muse, digital humanities and social science resource
Credo Reference (A database of subject specific reference resources)
JSTOR (a database with 600 core scholarly journals dating back to the 1600s)
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (dissertations, etc.)
Contemporary art: 1989 - present (ebook), edited by Alexander Dumbadze and Suzanne Hudson, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
The museums of contemporary art: notion and development, J. Pedro Lorente, Ashgate, 2011
Alexander Calder and contemporary art: form, balance, joy, Lynne Warren, et. al., (ECampus Folio NB237 .C28 W37 2010)
Globalizing contemporary art: the art world's new internationalism, Lotte Philipsen, 2010
Turabian Quick Guide, University of Chicago
How to Cite Sources in Turabian Format, APU LibGuide
Online Writing Lab, (OWL), Perdue University
Zotero, Free, Firefox extension to help you manage your citations
Art Journals listed:
Periodical finder art journals
Sample title:
Art in America, (e-journal) - click on, (View full-text journal, APU users only) to access
Art in Databases, listed:
Sample title:
Art in the 21st Century, by Jean Robertson, Grove Art Online