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SOCW351 (Child Welfare): Find Books

This guide includes print and electronic resources and instruction that will aid students in child welfare policy research. This guide was originally created by Michelle Spomer.

Print Books at APU

The books below are relevant to the topics in SOCW 351. For other relevant books, check LINK+.

Online Books

Below, you'll find a selection of books that are available online. To access these resources, click on the title link (which will take you into the library catalog), and then click on the link provided in the catalog record.

To find more online books, click on one of the links in the 'Searches To Get You Started' box, select 'Ebooks' from the drop-down menu to the right of search box, and click the 'Search' button.

APU Library Catalog

APOLIS is the online library catalog for APU Libraries. To start searching for APU library resources, use the Search Everything box below. For more options or to use the advanced search, go to the catalog on the library website.

Interested in information on how to use the APU catalog more effectively? See the information below:

Finding Library Resources by Subject

LINK+ Catalog

LINK+ is a library catalog for the holdings of 50+ libraries, including APU Libraries. APU faculty, staff and students may request for free anything in LINK+ that has the status of "Available." Allow 2-3 business days for delivery. For more information, go to the LINK+ section of the library website.

NOTE: The handout above on finding resources by subject will work with the LINK+ catalog, too.

Search Strategies & Examples

Search Strategies:

  • In the advanced search, combine two concepts: 1) a subject from one of the "Searches to Get You Started" box below, and 2) term(s) related to statistics (as in the example below), a historical or international perspective, or legislation. If your search doesn't return any results in the APU library catalog, try the same search in the LINK+ catalog (advanced search).

  • To find specific types of information related to your issues, try adding the following phrases to your search (see the example below):
    • demograph* OR research OR statistic*
    • histor*
    • international OR global* OR world
    • law* OR legislat* OR policy OR policies

catalog search 

Search Tip: 

  • By using an asterisk, your results will have words that start with the letters before the asterisk (i.e. legislate, legislates, legislation, etc.) – this is a good way to get at word variations.

Searches to Get You Started

While the most current information for these issues will be found in the journal article databases or on the Internet, books can provide valuable background information to help you understand the issue more fully. Click on the links below to find library resources on topics related to the following issues. Be sure to also click on the red LINK+ button to the right of your results to get even more resources.