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EndNote 20 Assisting You in Research: Home

This guide covers the main functions of Endnote that will help you with finding resources, creating bibliographies, and generating properly-formatted citations.

Sorry to Inform You

Unfortunately EndNote 20 and any new versions moving forward, are no longer available for free for APU students and Faculty. 


You could either pay for an EndNote license (currently EndNote 21) for $275, $150 for a student license) or switch over to another Citation Manager software like the free Zotero

What about expired Endnote license? To upgrade from EndNote 20 to the new EndNote 21 license, you must do so from within your expired EndNote program in order to retrieve your My EndNote Library references.

For using Zotero, we have created a brief handout on How to Use Zotero

Also, if needed, here are the steps to move records from My EndNote Library to Zotero here

Associated note: you can link to APU's library holdings in Zotero by going to Edit, Preferences, then Advanced. Under "Open URL" select North America, then Azusa Pacific University.

Updated: May 13, 2024

Why Use EndNote?

For a quick start see Dave's 12-Page APU EndNote 20 Tutorial 1-1-2022

EndNote is a tool to aid you in performing research for course work and more.  Among the tasks that EndNote can help you. with are the following:

  • Assist in the collection and organizing of research material
  • Gather bibliographic information without the need to type all of it
  • Store PDF files that are the full-text version of a reference, e.g.., the information on an article and the article itself
  • Formatting a paper to match a specific citation format, such as APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.
  • Create both in-text citations and footnotes or endnotes with the correct bibliographic information for a given citations style, called "Cite While You Write"
  • Create a bibliography automatically, adding entires each time you cite another reference and format the bibliography correctly for a given citation style

EndNote can save you both time and "grunt work." This guide provides information how to perform these tasks. EndNote can do more, but these are the most common tasks you will need to do, whether you are writing a five-page research paper, a thesis, dissertation, or a multi-volume book. Throughout this guide, the terms "reference" and "resource" will be used interchangeably. Both refer to a bibliographic entry for an article, book, film, or other specific item you want to save for the writing of your assignments or other writing projects.

Related Resources

This LibGuide refers to other LibGuides that provide "how-to" information for tasks related to EndNote. You may find these LibGuides helpful:

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Dave Harmeyer
Azusa Pacific University
Marshburn Memorial Library
901 E. Alosta Ave.Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 815-6000, ext. 3255
Website Skype Contact: dave.harmeyer

This Guide Covers

This LibGuide covers how to do the following tasks in EndNote:

  • Downloading and installing EndNote
  • Create groups to organize references
  • Exporting Records into EndNote
  • Upload PDF files and connect them to the related references
  • Configuring EndNote to use templates and create citations
  • How to "Cite while You Write," including the generation of bibliographies

Related Resources

This LibGuide refers to other Libguides that provide "how-to" information for tasks related to EndNote.  You may find  these LibGuides helpful: