Click here (this link will take you into the APU library catalog) to see the complete list of titles that we have in our Faith Integration Collection, located on the 2nd floor in Stamps Library. There may also be additional copies throughout the circulating collections of the three APU libraries.
The following books can be found in the APU Libraries. For more books at APU (or from LINK+ and WorldCat), try some of the searches in the 'Searches to Get You Started' box to the right.
Be sure to look at the 'Internet Resources' section on the 'General Resources' page of this guide - several of the websites include discipline-specific resources. Please feel free to contribute to this section by using the 'Comments' link below.
The links below perform subject searches in the APU library catalog. Be sure to click on the button off to the right of the search results for similar items in the LINK+ catalog. Some of the links below are only for LINK+ items (which means the APU library catalog didn't have anything for the subject heading).
The library resources you discover by using the links below are intended to provide a starting point for faith integration research - it is up to the individual to determine which, if any, of the items are useful (in other words, these are not 'officially sanctioned' by APU, nor will all of the items have anything to do directly with faith integration).
TIP: For more resources outside of the APU Libraries and LINK+ collections, try entering the subjects you see below as subject searches in the WorldCat catalog. Use our interlibrary loan service to request items from WorldCat.
Want to check for ebooks? Click on one of the links above, select 'Ebooks' from the menu that is headed by 'View Entire Collection,' and then click 'Search.'
The articles below come from an ATLA Religion Database search. For more databases relevant to theology and religion, click here, and for multi-disciplinary databases, click here.
NOTE: For better articles, click on the 'Website' link below - this will allow you to view the results by relevance (unfortunately, the RSS feed widgets only organize the results by date descending rather than by relevance). You can also view the original search.
The articles below come from a Philosopher's Index search. For more databases relevant to theology and religion, click here, and for multi-disciplinary databases, click here.
NOTE: Unfortunately, the feed for this database always list only the journal title instead of the article title. For better results, click on the 'Website' link below - this will allow you to view the full citations by relevance (unfortunately, the RSS feed widgets only organize the results by date descending rather than by relevance). You can also view the original search.
Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research, including articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Look for the 'APU Library FT Finder' link off to the right of results - these will take you into an APU journal article database where you can usually view the full text of the article. Feel free to play around with the search you see below - just click 'Search,' and modify the terms in the search box.
Note: If you are off-campus, you will need to go through the following steps to see which items are available through APU databases: