The genre of Fairy Tales began as an oral tradition and often included an aspect of fantasy or magic. Different forms of Fairy Tales are folklore, legends, fables, and nursery rhymes. Steven Swann Jones defines fairy tales as "Narratives that have been shaped over centuries of retelling and that have achieved a basic narrative form that is a distillation of human experience" (The Fairy Tale).
The Revival of Local Fairy Tales for Children Education by Fathu Rahman
Fairy Godfather, Fairy-Tale History, and Fairy-Tale Scholarship: A Response to Dan Ben-Amos, Jan M. Ziolkowski, and Francisco Vaz da Silva by Ruth B. Bottigheimer
"With a Smile and a Song . . ." Walt Disney and the Birth of the American Fairy Tale by Tracey Mollet
From Wonderland to Wasteland: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Great Gatsby, and the New American Fairy Tale by Laura Barrett
Behold the Child: American Children and their Books, 1621-1922 by Gillian Avery
"Some Day My Prince Will Come": Female Acculturation Through the Fairy Tale by Marcia R. Lieberman
Collecting the Empire: Andrew Lang's Fairy Books (1889-1910) by Sara Hines
The Great Fairy Tale Tradition from Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm
The Classic Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar
14th century - Boccaccio, Decameron.
15th century - Introduction of the printing press.
1550-1153 - Europe's first modern fairy tale, The Facetious Nights of Straparola by Giovanni Francesco Straparola is published.
17th century - Literary fairy tale genre emerges.
18th century - Beginning of children's literature publishing industry.
19th-20th century - Rise in printing and publishing oral traditions in Europe.
1812 - Grimm brothers link folklore with fairy tales in Volksmärchen, and the new concept of "fairy tales" became commonly used in Germany.
1812-1815 - Grimms, Kinderund Hausmärchen is published.
1835 - Hans Christian Andersen publishes his first book Eventyr, fortalte for børn.
1889 - The Blue Fairy Book is published (first in Lang's series).
1937 - Walt Disney's first full-length animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is released.
1982-1987 - Faerie Tale Theatre airs twenty-six fairy tale films (The Snow Queen, The Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel, etc) on television.
Jacob Grimm (1785-1863)
Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859)
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Andrew Lang (1844-1912)