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How to Cite Sources in Turabian 9th ed. and Format Papers: Books

by Steve Jung, rev./exp. 08/24 by Sharon Ralston

Some Basics - Turabian 9th ed - 17.1

Basics of Citation
  1. Author's or Authors' names as it appears on title page,
  2. Title of chapter, in quotation marks, followed by "in", [optional to citation, use only if emphasizing the source]
  3. Title of book, and subtitle, if there is one, in italics, as it appears on title page,
  4. Edition used, if not the first edition, as it is described on the title page,
  5. Volume information, if part of a multi-volume set. If named, include "vol." and volume number. If not named, then include volume number followed by colon and page numbers used at the end of the citation.
  6. "Ed.", "eds.", "trans." followed by list of editors or translators, if needed,
  7. City of publication, name of publisher, date of publication,
  8. Pages used.

Single Author - Turabian 9th ed - 17.1.1

Reference Page/Bibliography

Talbert, Charles H. Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles. New York: Crossroad, 1992.

First Citation (footnote)

15 Charles H. Talbert, Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles (New York: Crossroad, 1992), 127.

Other Citations (footnote)

19 Talbert, Reading John, 22.

Multi-Author - Turabian 9th ed - 17.1.1

Reference Page/Bibliography

Robinson, James M., and Helmut Koester. Trajectories through Early Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1971.

First Citation (footnote)

4 James M. Robinson and Helmut Koester, Trajectories through Early Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1971), 237.

Other Citations (footnote)

12 Robinson and Koester, Trajectories, 23.

Corporate Author or Anonymous - Turabian 9th ed - and

If work is by an organization, and not a named author, cite the organization, even if it is the same as the publisher. If the author is unknown, then start the citation with the title of the work.

Reference Page/Bibliography

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. The 9/11 Commission Report. New York: W.W. Norton, 2004.

First Citation (footnote)

23 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, The 9/11 Commission Report (New York: W.W. Norton, 2004), 87.

Other Citations (footnote)

25 9/11, 125.

Chapter or Work in Anthology - Turabian 9th ed - (and

Reference Page/Bibliography

Attridge, Harold A. “Jewish Historiography.” In Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters, edited by R. A. Kraft and G. W. E. Nickelsburg, 311-343. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986.

First Citation (footnote)

3 Harold W. Attridge, “Jewish Historiography,” in Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters, ed. R. A. Kraft and G. W. E. Nickelsburg (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986), 311–43.

Other Citations (footnote)

6 Attridge, “Jewish Historiography,” 314–17.

Author and Editor - Turabian 9th ed -

Reference Page/Bibliography

Schillebeeckx, Edward. The Schillebeeckx Reader. Edited by Robert J. Schreiter. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1986.

First Citation (footnote)

45 Edward Schillebeeckx, The Schillebeeckx Reader, ed. Robert J. Schreiter (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1986), 20.

Other Citations (footnote)

47 Schillebeeckx, Reader, 123.

Single Editor, no author - Turabian 9th ed -

If there is an editor in addition to an author the format changes. Include "Edited by" and the editors First name, middle initial, and last name right after the title of the work. See for examples.

Reference Page/Bibliography

Tigay, Jeffrey H., ed. Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985.

First Citation (footnote)

5 Jeffrey H. Tigay, ed., Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985), 35.

Other Citations (footnote)

9 Tigay, Empirical Models, 38.

Multi-Editor - Turabian 9th ed - 17.1.1

Reference Page/Bibliography

Kraft, Robert A., and George W. E. Nickelsburg, eds. Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986.

First Citation (footnote)

44 Robert A. Kraft and George W. E. Nickelsburg, eds., Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986), xii.

Other Citations (footnote)

47 Kraft and Nickelsburg, Early Judaism, xii.

Introduction, Forward, Preface, or Afterword - Turabian 9th ed -

If the chapter is titled, put it in quotation marks. If it is a generic introduction, prologue, or the like, you don't need to put it in quotation marks.

If the author of the part is different than the author of the book, then put the author of the part at the beginning of the citation and the author of the book, after the title of the book.

Reference Page/Bibliography

Boers, Hendrikus. Introduction. In How to Read the New Testament: An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology, by Wilhelm Egger. Translated by P. Heinegg. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1996.

First Citation (footnote)

2 Hendrikus Boers, introduction to How to Read the New Testament: An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology, by Wilhelm Egger, trans. P. Heinegg (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1996), xi–xxi.

Other Citations (footnote)

6 Boers, “Introduction,” xi–xx.

Author, Editor, and Translator - Turabian 9th ed -

If there is an author and an editor, the author's name precedes the title and the editor succeeds it and is identified by title.

Reference Page/Bibliography

Blass, F., and A. Debrunner. Grammatica del greco del Nuovo Testamento. Edited by F. Rehkopf. Translated by G. Pisi. Brescia: Paideia, 1982.

First Citation (footnote)

3 F. Blass and A. Debrunner. Grammatica del greco del Nuovo Testamento, ed. F. Rehkopf, trans. G. Pisi (Brescia: Paideia, 1982), 40.

Other Citations (footnote)

18 Blass, Grammatica, 42.

Editions - Turabian 9th ed - 17.1.3

Always include information about the edition you actually consulted (unless it is a first edition, which is usually not labeled as such).

Reference Page/Bibliography

Pritchard, James B., ed. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. 3rd ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969.

First Citation (footnote)

87 James B. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 3rd ed. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), xxi.

Other Citations (footnote)

110 Pritchard, Ancient, 123.