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How to Cite Sources in Turabian 9th ed. and Format Papers: Theses, Dissertations, and Projects

by Steve Jung, rev./exp. 08/24 by Sharon Ralston

Some Basics

  • Theses and dissertations are cited similarly to a book, but the title is within quotation marks
  • type of paper (PhD dissertation or Master's/Doctoral thesis) and conferring institution are included in citations
  • Abbreviate dissertation as diss.
  • If consulted online, include URL
  • If consulted in database or institutional repository, list the name instead of the URL.

These and Dissertations - Turabian 9th ed - 17.7.1

Reference Page/Bibliography

Smith, Juanita. "Spiritual Preparation of Emerging Lay Leaders for Christian Ministry." DMin project, Azusa Pacific University, 2007. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

First Citation (Footnote)

2. Juanita Smith, "Spiritual Preparation of Emerging Lay Leaders for Christian Ministry" (DMin project, Azusa Pacific University, 2007), 124.

Subsequent Citations (Footnotes)

5. Smith, "Spiritual Preparation," 126.