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Clinical Trials Registers


What are Clinical Trials Register?

I'm sure you have seen in the first box on the Prisma Flow Diagram the word Registers. I frequently get this question. What is a register?  

A register in PRISMA refers to a database or other source that contains records of ongoing or completed studies that have not yet been published. These registers can include trial registries, conference proceedings, and grey literature sources, among others. The inclusion of register searching is recommended in systematic reviews to identify relevant studies that may not have been published yet, reducing the risk of publication bias. (Rayyan, 2022)

The primary purpose of registries has traditionally been to collect data to better understand long-term trends in specific populations. Data from registries hold great potential: they can help make clinical trials more efficient and less expensive and potentially bring new treatments to patients faster.  (CTTI, n.d.)

Clinical Trial Registers

Registered clinical trials will typically provide basic information about the study, including the disease and intervention(s) being studied, a description of the study design, the location and contact information for the study, and possibly the results of the study once it has been completed.

Please note: Being registered on one of these websites is not an indication that the organization has evaluated or approved of the research.

Searching for Clinical Trials on Registers

Importing Clinical Trials Records into Citation Management Software

Finding Clinical Trials on Research Databases

For those trials that do end in article publication, the following library databases allow users to search for the published results of clinical trials.  Each resource has the ability to limit to Clinical Trials as a publication or article type. NOTE: You would list these results under databases not Registers when completing the PRISMA.