Your Librarian is Denise Gehring
This page is to help you in locating materials for the course Translation of Research Into Practice:
Description of the Course: The goal of this core course is to help prepare Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) nursing students to be nurse scholars and to identify strategies within a multidisciplinary model and in intraprofessional relationships that promote the ready translation of research into practice. This course exposes DNP students to evidence-based practice, quality improvement methodologies, concepts and theories, and deepens their knowledge regarding the phenomenon of interest. This prepares them for foundational competencies needed for evidence-based problem identification, PICOT writing, literature search, integrated literature review, evidence appraisal, and synthesis. There are iterative assignments to develop skill and the milestone assignment is a final integrated review and synthesis paper with in-depth knowledge of their phenomenon (vs. topic) of interest.
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