Searching for Quantitative articles
Enter this on the last line of the search:
- Quantitative OR Experiment* OR Descriptive OR Correlation* OR Quasi-experimental OR “Clinical Trial” OR “Randomized Control Trial” OR "control* trial" OR Validity OR T-test OR ANOVA OR "Chi Square" OR "Kruskal-Wallis Test" OR "Coefficient Alpha" OR SU Quantitative OR "Data Analysis" OR distribution OR pretest OR posttest OR reliability OR statistic* OR "time series" OR variable OR variance OR Longitudinal OR regression or phenomenon* or "grounded theory"
Add another line to the bottom of the search:
- Change the "AND" to "NOT"
- Enter these words: TI (review* OR qualitative OR abstract* OR poster* OR conference* OR meeting or meta-analysis)
NOTE: You will have to review the articles to be sure they are indeed quantitative.