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Both physical and online books are organized using the Library of Congress Classification. Knowing the classification scheme can help you when you are doing research for books in the library. Here are some classifications in the Health Science areas that you should be aware of:
R - Medicine (General) | RA - Public aspects of medicine |
RB - Pathology | RC - Internal medicine |
RD - Surgery | RE - Ophthalmology |
RF - Otorhinolaryngology | RG - Gynecology and obstetrics |
RJ - Pediatrics | RK - Dentistry |
RL - Dermatology | RM - Therapeutics. Pharmacology |
RS - Pharmacy and materia medica | RT - Nursing |
RV - Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine | RX - Homeopathy |
RZ - Other systems of medicine |