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This page is to help you in locating materials for the course Healthcare Administration Capstone:
Description of the Course: Students integrate prior learning through the formulation of a case report providing strategic direction to a healthcare organization. The completed strategic plan demonstrates the integration of theoretical, clinical, and research knowledge from coursework throughout the program, and is applied to a healthcare problem in an actual healthcare setting: Students perform a SWOT analysis, a review and synthesis of current literature, select an appropriate theoretical framework, determine solutions to the problem, and develop an implementation plan. Students also create an electronic professional portfolio to highlight competencies gained throughout the program. Course success is dependent upon the candidate’s ability to clearly identify a healthcare problem and develop an evidence-based solution. Participation in writing assignments is required for successful completion of this course. The responsibility for deep exploration of the chosen scenario and preparation for writing the case report rests with each candidate.
The following are short tutorials on different aspects of information literacy including selecting a topic, writing a literature review, effective search techniques, selecting information sources, and citing sources.
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